4 jobs:
1. Teacher: I've taught for 15 years.
2. Gill Net Fisherman: I gill net fished for salmon for a couple of summers.
3. Seine Net Fisherman: I worked on board the Westview III for a couple of summers; I was a tie-up man or beachman. It was in the days when I was a fast runner: in gr.12 I ran a 100m sprint in 11.46s! And a good beachman had to haul his chops up and down slippery rocks, all the while looking for something to tie up on.
4. Burnaby Parks and Recreation: during the summer of Expo 86 I worked as a mobile playwriter. My partner and I would get a week to compose a skit, practise it, find costumes and props; then we would do two shows per day in two different parks per day (one am show, one pm show) over the next two weeks. Then we'd repeat the three week cycle again. We did a nine week stint to great reviews for all three skits! Hehe, it was my summer as Professor Percy Bumble, a bumbling inventor who had various adventures:) And I got to use a Burnaby Parks and Recreation Van to get around; at night I would hang out doing all sorts of silly things with my roomie, Tom Hooper, a bassist for the Grapes of Wrath.
4 movies I could watch over and over...
1. A Man for All Seasons (Paul Scofield)
2. The Godfather I/II (they are connected)
3. Ikiru/The Matrix
4. A River Runs Through It
4 places i've lived:
1. Vancouver: I went to Lord Kitchener Elementary K-3
2. Victoria: We lived on Thompson Bay Rd by Oak Bay Park Pre-school years
3. Toronto: Only there for gr. 3-4. I hated Toronto. I still do. It is a pussy-footed,
liberal-minded part of a wannabe-cultured city that has no culture that isn't superficial.
When we moved to Calgary for my gr.5-6, I could start to think and breath and do things in
the mountain heights!
4. Fort Langley: I live here and I love it; it is so groovy. Just ask Vic, she'll tell you how
cool it is.
4 albums:
1. Led Zeppelin I/II/III/IV
2. Neil Young: Harvest
3. John R. Cash: Live at Folsom Prison
4. So many others...Feist, Sarah Harmer, Bob Dylan, The Beatles, Nirvana: Bleach, The White
Stripes, Bach, Mozart, Billie Holiday, Bessie Smith, Coleman Hawkins, Louis Armstrong,
Pink Floyd, etc..
4 fiction writers:
1. C.S.Lewis
2. Tolkein
3. Joyce
4. Dostoevsky
4 poets:
1. Herbert
2. Homer/Pindar
3. Rumi
4. Donne
4 Playwriters:
1. Shakespeare
2. Robert Bolt
3. Sophocles
4. Anton Chekov
4 non-fiction writers:
1. Jean Danielou
2. Vladmir Lossky
3. CS Lewis
4. George Grant
4 Philosophers:
1. Plato
2. Aristotle
3. Thomas Aquinas
4. Simone Weil
4 heroes:
1. Christ
2. St. Paul
3. Mary, the mother of my Lord
4. any truly manly man
4 vacations:
1. Chaunigan Lake
---I have not been on a vacation as an adult other than to Chaunigan Lake.
4 foods:
1. Jim's Pizza: In Fort Langley. The Rustic Italian and House Special (with slight manly substitutions)
Id Est, add feta to both; remove pineapple, add roasted garlic to the house special; remove tomato, add roasted garlic to the rustic italian. though the rustic is good with the tomato, but i just prefer the garlic because it is manlier. -
edited so as to clarify matters for Victoria2. Prime Rib
3. Greek Food
4. Chinese Food
4 places i'd rather be:
1. Fly Fishing
2. Not working
3. reading what I want
4. hanging out with friends
4 sites:
1. www.openbsd.org
2. www.undeadly.org
3. blogs I visit
4. google.ca and imdb.com
4 bloggers to whom i'm passing this burden:
1. luke
2. hannah
3. ramone
4. davido