Harvest: another manly album for a manly man

A Fine Flick for Manly Men

a man for all seasons is the best film i have seen. if you care for manly things, you should do yourself a favour and view it. thomas more knows what he is and what he lives for; his strong sense of what is important in life guides you through the story. he is no fickle wuss either; he stays firm to what his conscience tells him and he perseveres in honoring what he loves even unto death. now that is manly behaviour; worthy of all commendation.
i saw a film last night with vic and ramone --- i should say i was tricked into seeing a movie last night by vic and ramone (i had wanted to see king kong battle it out) --- however that may be, i had to sit through a brutual chick flick called the family stone. don't see it; my butt was aching as i watched it just from shifting around on my seat so much out boredom. it is the anti-thesis of a man for all seasons. no one knows who they are or what they stand for. it is a movie about wasted lives. oh, it is supposed to get the tears flowing...the way it does so is by appealing to either superficial liberal platitudes or to superficial romance. the drawn out scene of the bus leaving...going...going...going..may be stopping???...no, going....going...won't it stop?....going ...going....(of course it will stop)....but some more of it going...going...and then, voila! it stops and she gets out to smooooooch! ah so original i didn't see that sentimental scene:) again, don't see the family stone: find a copy of Paul Scofield in A Man for All Seasons instead.

It is easy as pie to set up your gmail account to be automatically downloaded into whatever email program you use. However I advise against doing this with any email: keep it on the server it is sent to and view it on the web through firefox or your favourite browser. For your own security's sake do all your personal emailing on the web unless you have a closed network and you can trust all the people who have access to it. I don't even view my work related email off of the server it is on. Bringing bad stuff home is most often done by accident; so make it a policy to never download email messages. With your gmail account, you will be able to do as much with your email online as you would if you downloaded it to eudora or thunderbird. As has been my preference to recommend since 2001 or so, if in any doubt about which is the most secure operating system to install on an amd or i386 or macppc architecture use this one and you will be glad. Especially if all you do on a computer is listen to music, watch movies, word process, email and browse the web; puffy the blowfish will guide you safely through a hostile internet and back home:)
Let me know whether you want a gmail account.
O come, let us adore him!

Yea, Lord, we greet Thee, Born this happy morning;
Jesu, to Thee be glory given;
Word of the Father, Now in flesh appearing.
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord.
God of God, Light of Light,
Lo! he abhors not the Virgin’s womb;
Very God, Begotten not created.
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord.
This is my favourite Anglican Carol; and I have selected two of my favourite stanzas from the song. I sing the first 5 stanzas to my children to wake them up on Christmas morning; it has become something of a custom in our house for me to do this. Of course I can't sing well, but this song is so true and beautiful it can somewhat overcome my lack of ability. May the light of Christmas shine upon you and anyone you love; and may your "...loving heart enthrone Him." Christ is born, Glorify Him! Merry, merry Christmas! Enjoy the feast:)
Some thoughts on the "Denial Twist" by The White Stripes

If you think that a kiss is all in the lips
C'mon, you got it all wrong, man
And if you think that our dance was all in the hips
Oh well, then do the twist
If you think holding hands is all in the fingers
Grab hold of the soul where the memory lingers and
Make sure to never do it with a singer
Cause he'll tell everyone in the world
What he was thinking about the girl
Ya, what he's thinking about the girl, oh
A lot of people get confused and they bruise
Real easy when it comes to love
They start putting on their shoes and walking out
And singing "boy, I think I had enough"
Just because she makes you feel wrong
She don't mean to be mean or hurt you on purpose, boy
Take a tip and do yourself a little service
Take a mountain turn it into a mole
Just by playing a different role
Ya, by playing a different role, oh
The boat ya you know she's rockin' it...
nonis get a goalie!

joy and the divine: a logical corollary?

Bohannahs owns Goldie on Mount Seymour

We had a great time. The weather was perfectly sunny. We shred and shred some more, and then we left satisfied with our rides, and our first time snowboarding.
The lukemeister said it best, "it was a fantastic day!" indeed it sure was fun.... we will return again soon to further our skills after our bruises have become less sensitive:)
abide yet a while...the break is coming

tomorrow night i will one of the teachers working on my high school's canned food drive. friday i will be so sleepy and weary. but on saturday i plan to put on my snowboard boots and shred with my custom x !!!!

...and the lavender man can dance a manly river dance :P
be manly

the light of the face of christ...

it was good to recall that story; it helped me to see the light in that moment. i hope someday christ will grant me to see the light shining from his face; i imagine the clarity of it will be sublime. yes it is the advent to our winter pascha, and this fasting season has been hard for me and my house. the personal demons we all face have been coming upon us, in most vigorous ways: as always at our weaknesses. we are finding the battle getting very bloody. we so long for the light of christmas....until then, let the unholy mofos rage, and rage some more, for we will not cease to resist; the rebuke of the lord will be their final end. amen, o lord come.
listening: american music, the violent femmes
concert memories

i remember seeing rem play the ubc thunderbird stadium in 1985. although michael stipe gave us the finest vocal solo at the close of the concert, it wasn't as close and harsh and intimate as the meat puppets or nirvana concerts. the best concert i have ever been at was the spirit of the west: when they played at the commodore ballroom in 1988. those guys played such fantastic music and they were spectacular as a live act. It was hard to sit down, you just had to get up and boogie. And cutting-a-rug at the commodore is so cool because of the horse hair beneath the hard wood floor: can you say 'bounce'!!? i saw the violent femmes play at the commodore, too. but, sadly, i wasn't feeling well at that concert.
it is weird to think that i went to see the Police in 1983 and 1984, and that ramona, my future wife was there. other memorable concerts i went to include billy bragg in 1986. he was so impressive with just his voice, a guitar and an amp. i remember a sonic youth concert in 1986-7 that stirred my ear drums. during 1985-6 i lived with the bassist for the grapes of wrath, a local vancouver band. i saw many - even too many - of their concerts. yet i did get to see a lot of very good opening acts that were young back then like sarah mclaughlin, 54 40 and my favourites, slow. slow never went on to do much in the recording industry, but they owned my ears.
There'll be a golden ladder reaching down....

This post is to thank my God Christ for helping my friend to sell his truck. It is something I have been praying for over the last three or four months. I think this has been a time of testing for the Krutmeister and his wife. To me it is a sign that Christ wants the Krutmeister to keep proceeding with certain plans. Again, thank God for giving the truck and for letting it sell! Ah the comfort of the Lord, and how it must be worth spilling many tears for.
As a rather anxious Dane once said, it is one thing to stand on one leg and prove the existence of God, while it is quite another to prostrate yourself before the Trinity in thanks. I think he should have added the prepositional phrase 'like a fish' in between the 'yourself' and the preposition 'before'. But not everyone is into holy comedy during prayers. However my feeling is that being able to chuckle at oneself is a means to a deeper holiness. I mean consider for just a moment what The Man might think as I tell him my prayers and plans and all that; it keeps me grounded to realize that I probably make the Trinity chuckle a great belly chuckle. Whatever the truth of this may be, I will prostrate myself like a fish and offer sincere thanks to the most High for being so gracious to my friend. Indeed, the Lord is merciful.
so what is a redneck?
my wife says that rednecks are just people with conservative opinions. given that definition, i am a redneck. but, alas, i wonder am i really a shotgun toting, cheap-beer guzzling, shaggy-pony-tail-haired, willie nelson listening redneck? well, let's see. when i die, i want a hearse like the one below -- but, hey, does this make me a redneck?
my wife tells me that rednecks always tell others to screw off in quite an insensitive manner. a few days ago i was out walking in the woods, and i came upon this tree. Take a little gander down-yonder at this nasty and very insensitive redneck tree. if i were a redneck, i'd label this photo as 'clear cut this.'
so as to prove that i am not a redneck, i will show you a copy of my wife's desktop on her windows xp laptop. i set this up for her all by myself and it is the epitome of order and civilization; hardly the stamp of a redneck. again, would you say this is a redneck's desktop?
i think this is the Q.E.D. that puts all doubt out of mind as to my redneck status. are conservatives and rednecks just one and the same...that seems a weak proposition. and can a tree be a redneck? check in sometime soon for some tapes of me singing; these will clarify further my lack of redneckiness. oh, i think my liver is diseased even more...

canucks need to trade for a goalie?

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