This post is to thank my God Christ for helping my friend to sell his truck. It is something I have been praying for over the last three or four months. I think this has been a time of testing for the Krutmeister and his wife. To me it is a sign that Christ wants the Krutmeister to keep proceeding with certain plans. Again, thank God for giving the truck and for letting it sell! Ah the comfort of the Lord, and how it must be worth spilling many tears for.
As a rather anxious Dane once said, it is one thing to stand on one leg and prove the existence of God, while it is quite another to prostrate yourself before the Trinity in thanks. I think he should have added the prepositional phrase 'like a fish' in between the 'yourself' and the preposition 'before'. But not everyone is into holy comedy during prayers. However my feeling is that being able to chuckle at oneself is a means to a deeper holiness. I mean consider for just a moment what The Man might think as I tell him my prayers and plans and all that; it keeps me grounded to realize that I probably make the Trinity chuckle a great belly chuckle. Whatever the truth of this may be, I will prostrate myself like a fish and offer sincere thanks to the most High for being so gracious to my friend. Indeed, the Lord is merciful.
thanks thomas.
we danced.
we really danced.
the Lord is good.
I also heard a wise man say,
"You wanna give the Lord a good chuckle? Tell Him your plans."
oh that is SUCH good news!
why "like a fish?"
because you lay on the ground without using your legs; hence being 'like a fish'.
No way...
Word verification is actually
fi-FISH-nl! I'm going to type it in right now! Crazy!
That's brilliant, about Kurt's truck, and the fish.
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