*I am reposting this entry from my web site because of a request*
It is not good for you to be kicking against the goads (cf. Act 26:14).
Don't be a pussy footer, O man of God; manly men don't like them. God doesn't like pussy footers either. Pussy footers are men only in disguise, living as if they had something to die for. Only other pussy footers like other pussy footers. Worse, pussy footers are pales, llamas and whiners. Pussy footers step aside from battling the demons; this is the most deadly criticism of pussy footers. Christ claims we are either with or against Him; there is no pussy footing half-way to Our Lord. Yet, since God commands that we love our enemies, we are duty-bound to pray for the pussy footers; the good news is that there is no requirement you must like the pussy footers you come across. Accordingly pray that the pussy footer in your life toughens up and faces his demons like a manly man. Be sure to do your part to help toughen up any pussy footer! Get him to read some Patristics, all of Dostoevsky and Shakespeare; better yet, have him try to learn some calculus or basic Latin and Greek; take him mountain biking, hiking, fly fishing or rock climbing. But I advise each manly man out there to seek out a specific pussy footer to tutor in the ways of the manly; this personal connection will mean a lot to the pussy footer and may help to rectify his llama and pale-ways more swiftly.
1 comment:
kurt will appreciate this. not that I don't... I certainly don't want my boys to grow up 'pussy footers', or momma's boys. heaven forbid! there is nothing more repugnant than the momma's boy, unless it is the mother who allowed it.
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