In other news, I stopped in at Gregory's bike shop today and put a down payment on a replacement prophet. I am looking forward to sealing the deal once the insurance money comes through. The only downside is that I have no choice with regard to the frame colour; accordingly my bike will be blue. This colour difference doesn't really matter, though I do prefer black for a bike.
Still in other more important news, lent is fully upon us. I wish the time would pass more quickly; the lenten time period wears away a huge aspect of my joy in life. Yes, you guessed it: good hearty chow; food, glorious food. And by food I don't mean mere nutritional energy in any form: I mean glorious food, and that means meat, wine and cheese. During lent such joys are replaced by the clapping of lenten hands. Ah, the smack of contrition and the consolation of repentance. For me the tender mercy in this is the end of it. Pascha brings back all that is joyful and full of light; hence to that aim: tendebantque manus ripae ulterioris amore.
I am gld you will have the bicycle for spring break.
be of good cheer; we have almost completed week two of the fast!
vowels are sometimes overrated
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