This new site name, to which I have transferred all my old posts, takes its inspiration from the words of Christ to Saul in Acts 26, who was on his way to Damascus for the purpose of persecuting Christ's own Body, the Church. It is important to note the identity Christ establishes between the Church and Himself in this passage. In verse 14, the risen Lord tells Saul it is hard for him to "kick against the goads." This image of futility is succinct and very clear and somewhat gross. Just think: kicking against a spike to bring it down. Obviously it does only hurt the kicker, not the spike; so kicking against a goad is futile. Kicking against anything one has no control over is like kicking against a goad; i.e., worrying over money, over aspects of your appearance or height, over other people or even about The Man Himself. More to the point is that I, very knowingly, kick against Christ, His Church and His Holy Ones quite frequently. Why? I am stupid, thoughtless, uncaring and forgetful...all true. But that is only part of the truth. Sadly the harder truth is that I don't love God or trust Christ or His Church enough. Let that sink in; and then decide if there is any point in reading or seeing anything I would post. The only thing I have going for me is that prayer of the publican; all my hope is in that simple and very profound prayer.
I hold with an iron fist to the traditions handed down, for the practical man, when all seems grey or unsure, the best course of action in this life lies in clinging to tradition.
"Sadly the harder truth is that I don't love God or trust Christ or His Church enough. Let that sink in; and then decide if there is any point in reading or seeing anything I would post."
I am merely pot and you are merely kettle.
A little company on the journey is always nice.
you may call it dry, thomas, but it made of the sturdiest material, and will withstand.
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