The korn shell is the sine qua non of unix shells. All one needs to do is set -o emacs in your .profile and you are in business. Along with ksh, the other main modular programs I use regularly include irssi, lftp, ssh, lynx, unrar, cdio, mplayer and mp3blaster. More and more I am seeing the efficiency of running programs from within my korn shell -ksh- even on OS X with Aqua, the most beautiful GUI in any OS I am aware of. Of course on OpenBSD, I run all programs from the commandline within ksh.
One of the thrills in using the commandline is building programs from source. On OS X the easiest way to learn is by using fink or darwinports.
For anyone interested, I am very keen to start shredding turns on my snowboard this season. I think on Saturday we will attend the snowboard buy/sell at the TradeX in Abbotsford; there are a number of items we still require.
once again... ????
but for sure on the snowboarding.
Hemlock may not open AGAIN this year!! This is bad news, as I've heard it is the best place to start kids (much easier tow-ropes, the ones at Manning apparently are impossibly if you're not at least 150lbs.!).
But there's always Baker, Manning, Whistler.
This would be a great youth-group outing, no?
Maybe not boarding, but tubing, skating, snowball fights.
anyone with me?
baker is a great mountain, my favouriite actually. the exchange rate is lame, however. nevertheless if hemlock doesn't open, i will shred up at baker with hannah and luke.
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