
Bohannahs owns Goldie on Mount Seymour

She turns, she links her turns and she goes zooming by! The bohannahs owned Goldie; but she was owned by the rope tow:)

We had a great time. The weather was perfectly sunny. We shred and shred some more, and then we left satisfied with our rides, and our first time snowboarding.

The lukemeister said it best, "it was a fantastic day!" indeed it sure was fun.... we will return again soon to further our skills after our bruises have become less sensitive:)


Hannah said...

please don't call me Boe on blogger it is such a weird nickname:)

Hannah said...

Oh! and it was fun!

Stacy said...

Wow... I wish I had some idea as to what you're talking about.

Kassianni said...

me too, I just found out what 'linking' was.
alas, we have not been able to make it to the hills yet.
we're having an early christmas with my family, so preparations have been hastily stepped-up!
after christmas, I hope!
jonah will be more prepared physically too, let's hope. (he's the only one going for cheap!)

thomasw said...

hey vic, may we could go up to manning together after christmas? we are all at about the same point in our riding careers, so we should be able to keep up with you guys.