

I would like to offer a gmail account to anyone in the St.Herman's blogging world....even to those more remotely connected to our little online realm. The gmail account affords you 2 gigabytes of storage; so even if you merely send things to yourself it is handy. I strongly urge you to take me up on this offer. If you want an account, send me an email to thomas.wildemanATgmail.com, being sure to remove the AT with @. The best thing about a google mail account is that it is very fast and very secure, provided you don't write your password down anywhere ever.
It is easy as pie to set up your gmail account to be automatically downloaded into whatever email program you use. However I advise against doing this with any email: keep it on the server it is sent to and view it on the web through firefox or your favourite browser. For your own security's sake do all your personal emailing on the web unless you have a closed network and you can trust all the people who have access to it. I don't even view my work related email off of the server it is on. Bringing bad stuff home is most often done by accident; so make it a policy to never download email messages. With your gmail account, you will be able to do as much with your email online as you would if you downloaded it to eudora or thunderbird. As has been my preference to recommend since 2001 or so, if in any doubt about which is the most secure operating system to install on an amd or i386 or macppc architecture use this one and you will be glad. Especially if all you do on a computer is listen to music, watch movies, word process, email and browse the web; puffy the blowfish will guide you safely through a hostile internet and back home:)

Let me know whether you want a gmail account.


Stacy said...

This seems like a really peculiar offer to me. How strange. You're offering us e-mail? I have 8 e-mail accounts as it is. Do I really need another one?

thomasw said...

i'll take that as a rhetorical no.

Hannah said...

No thanks:).

Kassianni said...

yes please.
i have a hotmail account i've been looking for an excuse to get rid of...

thomasw said...

vic: i sent an invite to you at your shaw account. the storage space is worth it alone, though the functionality far surpasses anything with hotmail. i hope it will be useful for you!

RW said...

It is time for a new post.