
Winter Frost

The Winter Olympics are running and Canada has owned the rink. It is rather lame that we haven't excelled that well in snowboarding. One bronze medal is lame for a snowboarding capital of the world! In hockey we are starting to get business accomplished; our women's hockey team has won the gold! Truly they seemed unbeatable. Our men are having a tough time getting to be a 'team'. Perhaps a few set-backs will do them good service: it may pull them closer together. The men's team needed a slap upside the head and both the Swiss and the Finns delivered a couple of smashing wake-you-up uppercuts. I think the Canuckleheads will pull together as a manly national team should; and I hope we get to see our manly squad play in the final, crushing the Finns. Oh, baby, that would be better than butter on a fresh cinnamon bun!

This frosty watercolor painting is lovely. It reminds me of the winters during my youth when we used to get more snowfall.


thomasw said...

sad day for canadian hockey :(

2-0 loss to Russia:/

RW said...

alas poor thomas...

I think that Team Canada should go with the young players in the country... the old fellows in the NHL are paid well; don't need the glory...

well we work towards to 2010

Gabe Lanteigne said...

You'll notice that the Finns are playing for the gold baby!!! You don't mess with the Finns!

thomasw said...

yes i am going to cheer for the Finns over the swedes. i had wanted canada to play them, but that dream has evapourated. i am glad the russians were crushed by the Finns; i dislike the russian hockey team more than any other except -- perhaps -- the usa.