
The latest priestly tool?

James from St. Peter the Aleut Parish in Calgary introduced me to the latest marvel in evoking a repentant heart during Lent. The self-described 'Talk-to-me' hammer would be especially helpful in softening up tougher, grinchy hearts during a confession. One can almost chuckle at some of the potential conversations under the stoll! "Make a complete confession of that, boy, or else you will be talking to the 'Talk-to-me'..." Indeed such confessional dialogue is not for the faint of heart, but do consider that if a sinner doesn't make a good repentance now, the 'I-don't-know-you' hammer in the afterworld is way, way worse to consider! Let us consider the cost of not having one of these priestly confessional tools.

Fr. Lawrence, my priest, would make good use of this implement. Perhaps a gold and jewel encrusted whacker would be just the ticket for getting those lukewarm repenters to come around to serious metanoia?! Oh be merciful; let us just pray that our parish council finds the funds for one of these 'Talk-to-me' hammers.


Amy said...

Nice! All Father would have to do would be to hang it up in Church near confession time. People would be flocking to confession, eh?!

biss said...

Oh dear.

kimberley francis said...

would that be mr. james underwood, by chance?

matthew christopher davidson said...

I think it's too small. He should buy a much larger one and suspend it from the ceiling of the church, like the sword of Damocles.