
Got my Puffy cd...

Holy jumping Jehosaphat! I found my copy of OpenBSD 3.8 in my mailbox; well, actually ramone did, but she delighted me by letting me open up the package. Also it came with some stickers -- which today I stuck on my overhead projector cart at work -- and a very fashionable t-shirt with puffy the blowfish dressed up like Indiana Jones on the front. Puffy is the mascot of OpenBSD, symbolizing the secure and protective nature of the operating system. Whew, what a day: I mean how cool is a day when the Canucks win on the road and I get my OpenBSD cd, stickers and t-shirt....it is a slice of geek heaven. Just let me at that brown t-shirt and that korn shell commandline...what excitement: even ramone was almost nearly in mild pandemonium!? Well, enough of this, or I might become like a door unhinged. Woe, I am so ...me.

Back at work and I am a marking machine. I am very interested in getting into snowboarding this winter. When I was younger, I was proficient at board-sports. Both of my kids are keen like me. So it should be very cool.

Perhaps I will stick my puffy stickers on my snowboard? Wouldn't that be manly? "Move or face the blowfish." Sometimes I am so harsh, but never as harsh as this dude: http://www.xmission.com/~maddox/

That link is not for anyone who gets offended by harshness. Be warned. But he is quite funny at times; if you find harshness rather funny. That's a sad comment about me I guess...another one for confession.

Tiredness....I will rest.


Magdalen said...

haha. You're going to confess to your priest "being harsh"? ... have you MET your priest??
I think we share the same sense of humour. (as does, I suspect, our priest) Nice page, by the way.

hope you're well. Will you be at the Hallowe'en thing on Friday? or are you going to the men's 'breakfast'?
see you soon.

Kassianni said...

i loved that page. hilarious!

thomasw said...

magdalen: i will be hosting the 'liquid bread' breakfast on friday evening; so i will be playing with the big kids:)

victor.the.dudette: i should spend sometime sprucing up this page so it looks fancy-dancy like yours.....but right now I am so busy with marking....and thinking about puffy and snowboarding and going fly fishing.