
OpenBSD 3.8 will be released in early November

I look forward to installing OpenBSD 3.8; I have used this unix-based OS for a variety of purposes since version 3.1 about 3 or 4 years ago. These two sites are useful for keeping abreast with this exceptionally secure operating system: openbsd.org and undeadly.org. I have the utmost respect for the aspirations behind this project, and I have helped to fund it over the last few years. I use only two operating systems now: OpenBSD and OS X. And both are BSD-based; I love OS X's Aqua GUI, while I love OpenBSD's commandline efficiency. My favourite applications are lftp, lynx, mp3blaster, and emacs. If I could get Photoshop and quakeworld to run on OpenBSD, then I might have no need for any other OS. But, alas, this is not the way it is.

An aside: I voted today with a big YES to end this illegal strike. I am hopeful that the 'yes' side will win the day tomorrow. I detest the political overtones this job action has taken on, and I want absolutely nothing to do with that side of this strike; as it seems to me to have very little to do with what I was originally taking a stand for. How twisted ideals can become...

I have been walking a lot lately, and reading Peter Leithart and George Grant. Time to make my move to smooch ramone.....later.


Kassianni said...

wow, I couldn't make 'hide,nor hair' of the first part of you posting. wow. like a different language, but more bizarre, because I can read it perfectly well. just couldn't tell you what it meant. ;)
but i'm glad you voted yes!!
it's nice getting back to work, and back to the routine.

kimberley francis said...

oh you guys, i'm actually tearing up, i'm laughing so hard right now. the thomas-victoria combo is highly enjoyable.