
not sure what to write anymore...

this circle of confusion is a figure for my current mind set on blogging. i wrote two other posts about a popular gay cowboy movie currently enjoying rave reviews, but ramone had me delete them because she felt my views were too politically incorrect and dangerous to my employment situation. i thought they were both thoughtful, carefully considered and rather funny. but i trust my wife's insight.

this incident has made me post shy; and this bothers me, leaving me somewhat confused. furthermore, it makes me feel as though what i am thinking through is unimportant and on a lower level of spiritual priority than what ramone or other more spiritual folks are working through in their writing. i don't deny this, but it bothers me nevertheless. in addition, i read a post over on stacy's site and was going to leave a comment about my experience with special ed students but thought, "no, write nothing, it might offend." accordingly i am not sure whether i should write anything about what i truly think about controversial matters. it would seem the wisest move is to remain taciturn. i will just have to find another outlet. so that is what i am going to do; as such i will just write about OpenBSD and other stuff that won't easily offend anyone unless they are silly enough to use microsoft windows :p


MommaKim said...

Thomas, I do know what you are struggling with to some degree. Being in a public profession (even more so in teaching where they try and punish you for writing letters to the editor) does mean that you/we have to carefully consider what we post, but this is still a meeting place and a sharing of ideas. It would grieve me if you did not post your thoughts and feelings anymore. I also think that you have a wise wife and she may have insight into other's perceptions of said posts. But those of us who know you and love you will hear whatever you write in your voice and will understand--and if not screw 'em. There, now people can be scandalized by me!!! I do have a wonderful essay that I recently came across that I have been debating whether or not to share, but this seems the perfect place. Father Joseph has written the kindest and most insightful article I have read on homosexuality entitled "gay but not funny" It is truly were my heart lies...
You may have to cut and paste the link to make it work.
Please post and tell me what you think.
You are my Godfather and my daughter's Godfather and I am quite picky in these things; I would not have asked you to fulfill either role if I did not value your opinion and insight...and besides, I have NO IDEA what all that puffy stuff is!
If you have a moment please pray for Fr Chris...he is quite sick with the flu--fever 102+--and feeling miserable.
I'll say it like I mean it.
From Momma K!

Stacy said...

Did you think you offended me somewhere along the way?!?! I would be interested in your thoughts on Spec. Ed.

I understand about monitoring your posts. I have not written on certain topics a time or two because of my public profession as well.

Free speech... ha!

James said...

I was hoping to hear more about the thin-lens equation. And manliness. I enjoy this blog even though we aren't acquaintances because of your distinctive voice. Public life is a delicate thing, isn't it.

RW said...

You have good things to say Thomas. I, too, value what you think. You are a good counter point to myself. I also think that you are very gifted at what you do. It would pain me to think that somebody, somewhere would take something out of context and use it against you. Perhaps I was too cautious. But, sadly I think not.

Regardless, you can clearly see that others value your thoughts.

I love you.

Kassianni said...

popular gay cowboy movie.
LOL! that should be the name of an album. what a great line.
sorry to hear about your recently inflicted blogger-inhibitions.
that truly sucks.
but we are living in the great age of self-censorship, aren't we? that's what being pc is all about. an unpleasant double-edged sword, used (unsuccessfully) to combat bigotry (as we are so broadly defining it these days), as well as to stifle meaningful discussion of relevant social issues. If anything, it has fostered the tendency for labels. Oh, you don't believe in ----? You're a ---phobe!
freedom of speech; that is, depending on how you say it...

Mr. P said...

yeah. effing people getting all offended. that sucks. eff that. gay cowboys.

incidentally, the only reason I censor myself a bit is because I know some of our young men and women from church read my blog (when I post) and if they do, I want to be consistent in the way I talk to them at church, and how I talk on my blog, though it is not always the case.

in any case, puffy is cool, but you haven't offended yet, so you aren't allowed to completely clam up.