
a christmas poem in german; hellos from thomas and ramon0s

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i hope it plays well. i tried to sound very macho; ramone said i was merely a goof-ball. however that may be, at least i know north from south and west from east:P


Stacy said...

In the south "poem" is two syllables. Po-em. : )

I didn't understand any of the German but you did indeed sound very macho.

thomasw said...
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Matthew Francis said...

That's a great poem, Thomas. I don't know German, but I have spent some time over there, and your pronunciation sounds pretty good to me. I have this great German-English edition of Rilke's "Book of Images," and I always try to make Krista laugh by reading the German. Strangely, "Horst, Geliebte," doesn't quite sound the same to her as "Listen, Love."

Matthew Francis said...

With a name like Wildeman, perhaps you are German?

thomasw said...

bestimmt! (indeed, certainly)