
church temple

our parish needs a new temple and i think this one by spanish architect, gaudi, has loads of potential for glorifying our lord. no one seems to be commenting on my recent posts, and so i think i will stop writing about openbsd and other stuff i think about. it is too bad that unix bores people.

thinking about the guidelines for determining a theme in a piece of literature. also i am dreaming about snowboarding this winter; hemlock and baker will be where we go most often.


Mr. P said...

ohhhh, hemlock and baker are both good destinations...

Kassianni said...

no more openbsd!!!???
that's it.
i'm taking your blog off my links :P

kimberley francis said...

thomas, even through Gaudi is one of my favs, Sagrada Familla looks creepy to me...a bit Tim Burton.

i learned to snowboard at baker.
so beautiful! summers too! we used to take every visitor from Ontario to Baker to show off our beautiful June and July vistas!

my first ski run ever was with my big brother jeffm at hemlock. he wasn't super patient; he took me to the top of the steepest run and hollered, as he swooshed off: "c'mon girl, keep up!"

RW said...

Speaking as our treasurer, I think you need to focus on smaller, more compact.